Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Mystery Envelopes #32 & #36

Gosh it's been a crazy start to the week. I have worked 10 hour shifts and I am dead tired! I can't keep up with my mail this way. BUT it's making me some really badly needed cash so I will suck it up! Here are my two Mystery envelopes received yesterday. First up #36 from Missleilani in the USA. Took only 4 items. Wasn't really in that great a need for the stickers inside but opted for the great postcards from Seattle. Sending off to Ania in Poland on Saturday. And next is #32 also from the USA from Timdani. Liked this one quite a bit especially the jigsaw puzzle magnet (haven't seen something like that before) and the tea. I like that on this particular group there is a rule that you have to write down what you took and what you replaced with so that people don't feel like they were jipped with items and if they do, then they know who put what back. These, in my opinion, have to be fair. The very first one that I got back which is not on this blog was NOT good quality at all. It had broken earrings and some childish cards that were cut out of some magazine. It was crap but I figured the next person might not want that so I took the crappy items and replaced with something nicer. It sucked for me but the next person had a chance to enjoy it. I know these are senders choice bur really people, think about who your sending to. If you're goig to send crap - don't join!

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