Saturday, March 19, 2011

RR# 165 - 5 Tea Bags

Recieved these two on the same day and got myself confused as to what RR was what. That's what all this working long hours does to your brain. I can't concentrate on my tea anymore! Anywhooo, Kenji from Japan sent a wonderful variety but I have no idea what kind of tea's they are because the packages are of course written in Japanese. No problem, that makes it all the fun when I'm trying them! Hoping all is well Kenji and that you and your family is safe from that earthquake. And secondly got a nice lttle envelope with goodies from Leslie in Turkey. She had added some extra's for me because I helped another memeber with a swap that thier partner did not send them. We call this "angels" in swapping lingo. Thank you Leslie! :) Wanna get my hands on that "Hot Love" tea cuz it sounds like somthing with cinnamon :) Received my third package for this swap from Marcowa in Poland. There are some great looking teas in there and I especially want to try the Russian Cherry tea. I have not got any of these teas in my collection and maybe since I started swapping 2 have come the same. So, I am going to boil some water right now and try the Hot Love because i am in the mood for something cinnamony. Funny now that I open the package, it smells more like fruit and apples. No cinnamon? So I am looking at the tea package and in Spanish it says there is no cinnamon. I am intruiged now...let's see...raspberry is the first thing I taste for sure and it's actually quite good. It tastes very similar to the London Fruit and Herb company Raspberry Rendevouz. It gives off a nice after taste of berries. Wouldn't mind getting this one a s a double again.

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